Ruggedised Wide Swath Bathymetry and Side Scan System
Bathymetric Sonar
GeoSwath 4R
Ruggedised Wide Swath Bathymetry and Side Scan System

GeoSwath 4R offers industry-leading simultaneous swath bathymetry and side scan sonar mapping for shallow waters, and comes with a compact, splash-protected deck unit housing and ruggedised laptop, making it the ideal solution for surveying in rougher conditions.
The GeoSwath 4R also includes a dual transducer head with a 240º field of view from nadir to waterline, enabling bottom coverage of up to twelve times the water depth. Transducers have a versatile range of mounting options and are available in 125, 250 or 500 kHz versions, each varying in depth and data resolution to optimise performance for the individual survey task.
The latest GS4 software comes included and has been exclusively developed for the GeoSwath 4. The GS4 software which provides the complete project-based solution, and includes acquisition, storing and editing of sonar and ancillary data, data processing and advanced data gridding capabilities, side scan mosaicing and 3D data visualisation.