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GeoSwath 4 USV

GeoSwath 4 USV offers industry-leading simultaneous swath bathymetry and side scan sonar mapping for shallow waters using diverse USVs

GeoSwath 4 USV Module on Baseplate

The GeoSwath 4 Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) module is a highly flexible solution and can be installed into any suitable USV, allowing for efficient survey of areas which are hazardous or inopportune for conventional survey vessels.


The GeoSwath 4 utilises a dual transducer head that provides bottom coverage up to twelve times the water depth and delivers data accuracies that exceed IHO hydrographic survey standards. The geo-referenced side scan data can be calibrated for repeatable results to provide enhanced object detection and bottom classification.


The system comes included with the latest GS4 software which provides the complete project-based solution, and includes acquisition, storing and editing of sonar and ancillary data, data processing and advanced data gridding capabilities, side scan mosaicing and 3D data visualisation.


The GeoSwath USV module has been installed on a number of USVs including the Z-Boat from Teledyne Marine, the EchoBoat from Seafloor Systems, SL 40 from Ocean Alpha and the Inception from Unmanned Survey Solutions.

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