If you’re reading this then you’ve made it to our new website, which we hope you find useful in your search for high performance and dependable bathymetric sonars and related technologies.

The biggest update from the outgoing website you’ll notice is that we now give you the option to start your GeoAcoustics journey based on the work you do, via the applications section. Simply choose your application and the site will show you the products we offer that will enable you to acquire the bathymetric, sub-bottom or side scan data you need.
Otherwise it’s business as usual. We know that most of our visitors already know GeoAcoustics and the products we make for commercial, government and research marine surveys but there is plenty of useful information and downloads to help select the product and variants that fit your requirements.
Of course, as always the GeoAcoustics team and our global partners are always happy to discuss your requirements directly!
We will be adding information about several new products in the coming months too, so check back regularly for updates, and be sure follow-us over on LinkedIn for the latest news as it happens.