GeoAcoustics Ltd General Manager Richard Dowdeswell has been in Horten, Norway this week to wish a former company Chairman, Sverre Tetlie,a happy retirement as he leaves Kongsberg Discovery, which is the new name for the Subsea business unit of our previous owner Kongsberg Maritime. Sverre was involved in the original acquisition of GeoAcoustics in 2008 by Kongsberg Maritime and served as a Director for 8 years. He was always highly supportive of GeoAcoustics while it was part of the Kongsberg Group and worked well with the team to support our Bathymetric Sonar, Sub-Bottom Profiler and Side Scan Sonar products within the extensive Kongsberg Subsea product portfolio.
“Sverre was a great sounding board for me while we were part of Kongsberg Maritime and I wish him well on his well-deserved retirement,” commented Richard.