Hydroacoustic technologies including single and multibeam echosounders, and interferometric sonars are used by marine survey companies to produce bathymetric data that supports the sustainable use of marine sources.
The survey industry looks for technologies that can accommodate the strict requirements set by the International Hydrographic Society’s (IHO) S-44 standards, which have been set to ensure that the data provided is dependable and detailed enough for its intended application.
An echo sounder or sonar alone cannot be certified to IHO standards. Instead, the entire survey solution, including motion sensors and positioning system are rated as a single package able to meet one of five different levels with increasingly stringent demands.
Based on the field proven science of interferometry , the GeoSwath 4 system can produce data as part of a wider system to S-44 Exclusive Order, which is the highest of the IHO standards. It is an essential tool for marine survey companies looking for a highly efficient system capable of optimising data acquisition workflows because:
It features an industry-leading 240º field of view from the nadir to the waterline, enabling bottom coverage of up to twelve times the water depth
It simultaneously provides swath bathymetry and side scan sonar mapping for shallow waters
It uses advanced AI to produce real-time S-44 quality data for application during the survey and to accelerate data post-processing before.