Dredging is required for many different applications and reasons, from improving water flow of rivers to optimise hydroelectric power generation to ensuring that shipping lanes and ports can be navigated safely. Pre-dredging surveys are used to define the project scope and parameters, including:
A clear outline of the area to be dredged with relevant depth data.
Material types and volumes to be dredged when deepening navigational channels.
Potential obstructions that could be hazardous or problematic during dredging
Routing for the dredging of channels used to install offshore infrastructure like cables and pipelines
Post-dredging surveys are usually required within one week of the dredging project and are used to verify that the work has been carried out according to plan by comparing data to the pre-dredge survey.
In addition to Sub Bottom Profilers, marine surveyors have the choice to use multibeam and single beam echo sounders as well interferometric sonars like the GeoSwath 4 that produce a wider swath enabling more data to be collected per survey line.